Nicole Manupella

A friend, a daughter, a sister. A calligrapher, adventurer, a seeker of the thrill and of belonging. A community manager, a get-shit-done advocate for making impactful and tangible work.

There are many metaphors and symbols that come to mind when describing Nicole. A mosaic with a lot of different pieces that create an assortment of images. A sponge, soaking everything in to then share it with everyone she comes into contact with. There’s a quiet vibration to being in her presence. While she’s incredibly engaging, welcoming and treating you like a lifelong friend, you get the sense that she has places to go and people to see. She may not be where she  wants to be but she is where she needs to be because there is a lot to learn from today, from the now.

Much like her spirit animal – a fish – very freely and aimlessly going about life and into the unknown yet, that intrinsic boomerang energy has brought her back home. Back to the roots, to the community that raised her.

Nicole is Pantone 3522. A strong, bold, bright and happy hue. One that you find within the feathers of a peacock – hypnotic and magnetic.



Pantone 3522 C
RGB: 0, 137, 47
CMYK: 100%, 0%, 66%, 46%
HEX/HTML: 00892F


Alluring and enticing, perhaps a bit hypnotic. The image of a male peacock displaying his tail keeps popping into my head.