Aray M. Till

A mother, a daughter, a wife and a friend. A photographer, a stylist, a copywriter, a creative director and a visual storyteller.

She is a bilingual soul, black bean and white rice with platanos maduros feign and a flan connoisseur. The smell of guava instantly transports her back to the good side of childhood, back in Cuba, where the colorful ecosystem – whether it be the music, food, art – weaved the creative fibers of her creative life.

By her own words, she’s a failure, a success, a “got her shit together” and barely “keeping all the balls in the air” in the same breath kind of person. She is incredibly self-aware and conscious of the privilege that comes with forging her own path forward.

In her work as a raven, a coach, a mirror and a flashlight, she often gives herself the permission to be a work-in progress, to recalibrate often with intentionality. The octopus – interested, engaged, curious and intelligent – is her spirit animal. The octopus, although inquisitive, also lacks healthy boundaries which is something apparent in Aray’s “all or nothing” mindset.

Aray is Pantone P10-8C. A shade that is best described as a brighter sunflower yellow. Coincidentally enough, a sunflower is the only tattoo Aray has and her favorite flower. From an early age Orisha Oshun, a Yoruba river deity has been her quiet influence and whom she seeks spiritual guidance from.


Pantone 108C
RGB: 254, 219, 0
CMYK: 0, 14, 100, 0


Sunflower yellow